With yesterday’s release of a new song comes the associated failed takes in the Into the Aether section of the site. You get failures of anything that isn’t drums in this particular package–2 minutes and 20 seconds of me playing guitar badly, sounding like a dying cat vocally, and going way the heck off beat in an attempt to record a 5/4 bass solo. Sounds like something you want to hear, right?
What wasn’t a failure yesterday was my session of Playstation 2 DDR. I picked up 3 new “Full Perfect Combos”, which in previous mixes were called AAAs (Supernova 2‘s scoring system is set up such that you can get Greats and still receive a AAA grade for the song). This brings my home version total Heavy/Challenge difficulty FPCs to a nice round 20. These are the little thumbnails at the top of the post; from left to right, they’re Raspbery <3 Heart (#18), Fevah (#19 and my first Extra Stage FPC), and And Then We Kiss (#20, obviously). If you’re that curious, you can click any of the thumbnails to see the full-size picture of the respective FPC.