Recently, I’ve been attempting speedruns of Chuck Rock. It remains a rather unremarkable game, but I’m slowly getting better at making my way through it quickly. The one part I need more work on is the last level, particularly the first section–I ruined a great run today by choking at that part, whereupon I threw a not-even-gaming-level tantrum. Despite that, one good thing about Chuck Rock is that it’s short. I don’t even mean that in an ironic “Haha what an awful game!” sense–generally speaking, a failed speedrun attempt on it doesn’t make me want to cry (As came close to happening a couple times when I would screw up Willow runs an hour in.).
Other than that, I managed to overcome one other obstacle in the way of Chuck Rock speedrunning glory, in that my DVD recorder didn’t like the fact that my TV ultimately wasn’t hooked up to anything. In other words, I wasn’t getting a complete signal (Because the TV isn’t hooked to the wall), so it refused to begin recording anything. I managed to get around this by grabbing some composite (Red-White-Yellow) cables and hooking them into the front of the TV–in this way, I could select “AUX” on the TV, and still record stuff, since my game systems are hooked into the recorder itself.
I have a feeling there isn’t much competition for a Chuck Rock speed run :). So was your tantrum a little one or big one– hard to tell by the way you worded it. The only gaming tantrum I’ve actually seen (by you) is the time Dave and I were buggin’ you in Mario Strikers, and I believe your quote was “I’m going to throw up now”.
I thought it was pretty little, myself. Jess apparently disagreed with me, because the phrasing she used to try and cheer me up was along the lines of “It’s only a video game!”, to which I responded with something like “Like you’ve never flipped out at insignificant stuff before.” Oops.
Anyway, I don’t remember “I’m going to throw up now.” I do remember going into the bathroom, partly because I legitimately had to use it, and a self-pitying “I’m still good at rhythm games anyway.” after the fact (Although I maintain that whatever decision I made, I think it was hitting people rather than going for the ball, was ultimately the correct one, as they would have gotten to it before I could anyway).
Haha! I think David and were antagonizing you (instead of you know, helping) but it’s still pretty funny. I think my worst gaming tantrum came when I was trying to finish up my Rogue Leader Gold Medal FAQ–the Battle of Endor. Ugh. I had soooo wanted to be done with it and finally I completed the 9 + minute long mission with the proper stats, only to have an errant tie fighter ram into me with 1 second left to mission end. While I wisely chucked my controller into a pillow, I actually bit a hole through my shirt.