Until Classic Games Done Quick, which is the official name for the SDA Charity Marathon! Myself and 21 other runners will be playing through 72 games in 54 hours or so, starting at 6PM January 1st with the original Mega Man, and ending at about midnight January 3rd/4th with the completion of Final Fantasy VI. Again, we’re playing for CARE, so come by the SDA Main Page over new year’s weekend to watch, chat, and donate!
I’ve been stepping up my practice for this over the past two weeks, especially my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles playing, since I had very little previous experience with it, and it’s known as one of the harder games on the NES. My best run is currently a little over 24 minutes, which I’ll definitely take in a live setting. Part of this was the fact that I got some good luck with where the Technodrome decided to spawn in Area 5, but my actual execution is definitely improving as well. The other four games I’m not particularly concerned with.
In non-speedrunning news, I’ve gotten past a bump in the road as regards the game I’m making. I managed a completely inefficient, but ultimately working, method of equipping and (More importantly) unequipping items. The next step is going to be working out magic.