Tag: speedrun

As Promised, A Magician Speedrun

Here you go. This run finishes the game in a shade under 13 minutes and 45 seconds. If you happened to watch Japan Relief Done Quick, for reference, it took at least that long to realize I was streaming to the wrong place, at which point I was less than halfway through the game (Which …

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“That Speedruns Games Under Ridiculous Conditions Guy”

Last night I made my first attempt at speedrunning Air Fortress while recording to my DVD recorder. This attempt ended about 25 minutes in because I was too risky in the space-shooting segments. It’s really amazing that it even lasted that long, however. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you a screenshot of, effectively, what I’m …

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Chuck Rock Speedrun Posted!

Yes, after quite awhile, my speedrun on that platforming classic (By which I mean “Game that goes rapidly downhill once you press Start to get beyond the title screen and actually start playing the game”) Chuck Rock has been posted to SDA. Go check it out! And for those of you who found the site …

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Emptyeye.com Week 28- Speedruns and Albums

This week at emptyeye.com, I returned from my self-imposed exile. Hooray! Since then, I’ve been slowly progressing on the album, doing a bit each day to bring it closer to release. I’d like to continue doing that until it’s finally out. Sometimes it’s significant progress, sometimes it isn’t, but every day it’s at least something. …

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Thanks for the Crash, Windows Movie Maker!

Pretty much what the topic title says. For some reason, when I try to go into Timeline Mode in Windows Movie Maker to try and add some commentary in preparation for the Youtube edition of my Rygar Speedrun, it up and crashes on me. Not good. So I’m putting the call out there: Are there …

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Exile. Ur Doin It Rong.

Or however that particular meme goes. In all, I pleasantly surprised myself with how I generally managed to stay on-task throughout the past week or so. It wasn’t perfect–I still have to record some solos, and do all the mixing and such–but the fact that I said to myself eight months or so ago “I …

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Contra Done Quick

Speedrunning video games is something I’ve done for quite some time now–even before I was aware of a speedrunning “culture” so to speak, and indeed, it could be argued, before such a culture really even existed, at least in the form we know it today–I have memories of trying to beat games like Super Metroid …

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