emptyeye.com is live!

Welcome! This is officially my first post at my fancy new website, which, as you can see, is called emptyeye.com. Feel free to have a look around. You can get started by checking out the sidebar, where you can find out about the site, or the person who runs it. You can also check out some of my music from years gone by, e-mail me, or if you have some spare cash, donate to me. I’ll be regularly updating the site, if not with new music, then at least with news from my day-to-day life.

By the way, if you see any issues with the site, feel free to let me know (Also let me know what browser you use). I already fixed one issue where the footer didn’t want to display properly in IE6, and managed to fix the search bar alignment issue that had been nagging me at the same time, which is a plus.

2 pings

  1. […] within a day or two) the opening of the site…then checked my archives and realized I made the first official post on the site on October 7th, 2007. So I was late by nearly a week. […]

  2. […] site went up and running in October 2007, with an agreement for 2 years with my hosting service. I had big plans for it at […]

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