This is a bit earlier than usual so I can run off and play Starcraft later.
Anyway, this past week was by and large quiet website-wise as I focussed on other things. I did release a new song not long ago (literally about 10 minutes ago), so we’ll see how reaction to that is once I promote it a bit more. Speaking of promotion in a sense, I’ve decided I’m going to attempt to do a better job of responding to comments here where applicable. Hopefully, knowing that I do, in fact, read the comments you leave me will inspire more people, such as those stragglers who still download the catalog of my old music, or the person who got here by searching for “great positive thoughts when writing thesis” (Which I can only guess took them to my review of The Secret), to actually leave comments.
Dance gaming-wise, I scored another two AAAs on home versions of DDR, which you can see in full-size by clicking the thumbnails at the top of this post. My pad is going to need cleaning again, if today’s session was any indication–it’s awesome when you step properly and get a stream of misses on one arrow anyway, let me tell you. Also, I found something I wrote in my paper journal (Remember those?) about how by this time I had wanted to pass an In the Groove 13-block song. I didn’t get there, though I can pass a couple of the easiest 12s. So that’s good, I guess.
We’re less than 3 weeks away from MAGFest, which looks to be a fun time. My girlfriend is even excited about it, mainly because I’m so excited about it. Kareshi (Whom you may remember as being one of my expected main competitors in the MAGFest challenges and myself even get our own event–more on that probably tomorrow.
Finally, on the Speedrunning front, I finally got off my lazy butt and began the process of submitting my run for the obscure NES game Astyanax. Hopefully, if nate (his spelling) at SDA can work his magic and resolve the issue I had with it, it’ll be on the site fairly soon.
Until next week…