Clearly not learning a thing from my little business card debacle, earlier today I did a sketch of an attempt at a..logo isn’t quite the right word, but a font of sorts that I’d put on albums and any other merchandise that my musical endeavors may spawn. I actually only got as far as “EMPTY”, because I figured after that the “EYE” would effectively repeat. This was also a nice test of my family’s new all-in-one printer/scanner/copier thing–I only got as far as testing the print function when I installed it–which I’m happy to report works 2/3rds beautifully (Still haven’t tried copying…). I didn’t color it yet, because I figure that could change from product to product, as it were.
In any event, you can click the thumbnail at the top of this entry if you want to see the somewhat sanely sized version. Or, if you want the original “OMG WTF HUEG LIKE XBOX” size (Warning: It’s big, roughly 770KB in size), click here. My own thoughts on it:
- I started off trying to go for a kind of Megadeth look to it, but as I started drawing the “E”, recognized that a sleeker, almost Nirvana-esque approach, but keeping the jaggedness, might work better.
- The “M” took several attempts to get something I was happy with. Incidentally, I almost like the way it looks in the scan, with the failed attempts at the top of the “M” sort of in the background.
- I wasn’t quite sure–and still am not quite sure–how to handle the top of the “Y”. I’m not entirely happy with what I ended up going with, but I like the idea if not the execution there.
Overall, I think it looks very metally. Let me know what you think!
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it does. Just get rid of the line that you used to guide yourself in your drawing. That just looks like I did the drawing. (That’s NOT a complement, btw. . .)
Otherwise, VERY metal.
[…] the right thumbnail at the top of this entry–the top is my original sketch mentioned in this entry, while the bottom is the more fleshed out, digitized version done to correct errors made in the […]