Emptyeye.com Week 22- New Songs Plus DDR Stuff

This past week at Emptyeye.com saw the release of a new song, which is easily my longest one to date, plus the associated bonus material that you can grab in the Into the Aether section. That was the main thing regarding what you saw on the site. Off the site, I’ve been working on other songs in the meantime, writing lyrics and coming up with drum parts to record so I can then go back and add the rest of the song–bass, vocals, etc. I also decided to start dating non-blog stuff to make it a little less confusing for people who haven’t been reading the site since the beginning.

Today I went to the mall to play some more DDR. It went pretty well, as I got two new SDGs, bringing my arcade total to 9. The two new ones were Let the Beat Hit Em- 3 Greats (You’ll have to take my word for it; the picture came out awfully), and SP Trip Machine- 7 Greats (This one is actually readable).

Sometime this week I hope to have another song up. Most of the hard stuff is done, so it’s just a matter of recording some kind of solo and getting some samples from Youtube regarding the subject matter. Hopefully that’ll go well.

Until next week…



    • James on March 17, 2008 at 4:10 pm

    I have to admit, you’ve been certainly dedicated to DDR–when are you going to get your own machine? :) So I was thinking, the actual 6 day exile is comingup in a few weeks, right? What’s the plan of attack, are you re-recording all the songs? Or is that the remixing phase? Are you about where you want to be with it?

    • emptyeye on March 17, 2008 at 6:02 pm

    Heh, DDR machines are unfortunately expensive, man! Otherwise, I’d actually consider it. That plus considerations on where to put it and whatnot, mean I’m more concerned about getting out of the house first. So, for now, it’s my fancy home pad plus the occasional mall trip for me.

    As for the actual six day exile, my initial plan was to try to do everything–re-record, mix, etc.–in that timespan. I’ve revised that plan somewhat to “re-record all the songs and tweak the mixes and whatnot as I get a chance over the following days”. Progress-wise, I’m a bit behind–ideally I’ll have the drum machine all programmed for the drum tracks by then, plus I need to get the rough mixes of another two or three songs out–but the situation isn’t as “Oh my God how did this happen I should just give up” dire as I thought it was two weeks ago.

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