Look! The Site Isn’t Dead!

You’ll probably notice the various little icons that are now to the left of the “Leave a Comment” links on each entry here. These are so, if you particularly like something I’ve written, you can submit them to various social things like Digg or StumbleUpon, where I can hopefully take over the world. Or maybe not. But anyway, that’s the main interface development here. Work on The Six Day Exile slowly continues, and I plan to release one of the final tracks from it so you can compare for yourself how it stacks up to (And hopefully completely trumps) the rough mix of said song.

And I’m still waiting for my Astyanax run to get posted on SDA. Hopefully soon.

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  1. […] adding various social link buttons to every post on the main page. You can check out the details here; I used and then manually configured a WordPress plugin called Sociable to make that happen. So if […]

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