Hooray for Quality Customer Service

There are enough blogs out there about companies giving awful customer service–Verizon Math, which spawned from Verizon’s inability to tell the difference between “cents” and “dollars”, is probably my favorite–that I wanted to share one customer service call that was actually as pleasant as could be, given why I was making it (Which was to make sure I actually got my electric bill. Yeah, I could’ve played dumb for awhile, but fear of ultimately having some collection agency at my doorstep told me this was probably not the wisest course.).

So yesterday I called the customer service line of Connecticut Light & Power, to have the billing address changed to something that the post office will actually deliver to. After wading through the various automated menus, and attempting to pick the option closest to “get billing address changed”, within literally seconds, a very nice young woman named Hannah is on the line helping me with my problem. As a bonus, she spoke very clear, unaccented English (I don’t want to sound racist/ethnicist/whatever here, but to heavily paraphrase Daniel Day-Lewis, if your accent prevents me from understanding you, and my completely different accent prevents you from understanding me, and we have no other method of communication….this…screws…my…customer service experience! IT SCREWS IT UP!)..hooray! After I sheepishly admit that I don’t know my account number (An effect of having not yet received an electric bill), I proceed to give her my service address, and in about two minutes, I’m no longer a dirty energy thief (As it happens, they hadn’t sent out my first bill yet anyway, but better safe than sorry when it comes to something like this.). One of the easiest service calls I’ve ever made.

So hooray to Connecticut Light & Power for actually employing competent customer service people whom I can understand without effort!

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