I am many things. Information Technology worker for a bank. Former Speedrunner of video games (A Google-provided list of my runs is here). Reviewer. One-time Game Designer

Most commented posts

  1. Connecticon 2009: Mission Accomplished — 12 comments
  2. Post-MAGFest 8/Speed Demos Archive Charity Marathon Wrapup — 11 comments
  3. On the Concept of Selling Out — 10 comments
  4. Give Me Wizardry! — 10 comments
  5. R.I.P. Cookies and Other Less Depressing Thoughts — 9 comments

Author's posts

Wow, I’m Still Here! Physical Fitness Update

I’ve never been athletic. I was very much the stereotypical nerd weakling in school. In a lot of ways, I still am. I’ll never be good at baseball, or basketball, or what-have-you. I’m still not athletic. But I’d say I am, legitimately, in the best shape of my life as far as activity goes. For …

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Nightshade for NES- A Deep Dive Into Mechanics

Overview! Nightshade for NES is, in my opinion, Beam Software’s best game. It’s basically a spoof of 1930s detective noir movies, with the sensibility of the Adam West Batman series. Beam made the…let’s say courageous decision to make a point-and-click-style game on the NES, and throw in some combat too. Suffice to say that, while …

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Reflections on the Original Legend of Zelda

1986’s The Legend of Zelda (The U.S. didn’t get it until 1987) is a landmark in gaming. It’s the first in what would become one of Nintendo’s flagship series, second only to the Super Mario Bros. series. Thirty-five years or so after its initial release, it’s interesting to go back and look at it in …

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Rest in Peace Jonas Neubauer

If you don’t know the name “Jonas Neubauer”, I’m frankly a little unsure how you found this. But a brief primer: Jonas, or “NubbinsGoody” as his Twitch stream was known, was a pillar, maybe the pillar, of the Classic Tetris community, specifically NES Tetris and its Classic Tetris World Championship. Let’s start there. The Classic …

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How I Became a Certified AWS Cloud Practitioner

Roughly ten days ago, I passed my Amazon Web Services Certified Cloud Practitioner exam. This is the story of how I managed it. I first started “Studying” for this over a year ago, when it was made clear that my place of employment was looking to include AWS in its future plans. I took Amazon’s …

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Game Review- Infested

Icom’s “MacVenture” series is a classic set of four point-and-click adventures that, in a lot of ways, predicted and influenced where the genre would go. Among other innovations, they were the first games to represent your inventory in pictures, and gave you a specific set of commands to use (“Look”, “Use”, “Open”, etc.). This was …

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Reflections on Doki Doki Literature Club!

I seem to be slowly turning into That Visual Novel Guy. Anyway. Most of this will go behind a cut, mainly due to massive Doki Doki Literature Club! spoilers. I mean, more than the Steam/Twitch tags and content warning already spoil it.

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Episode 6: Van Halen’s 5150

In 1984, Van Halen were one of the biggest bands on Earth. By 1985, they were on the verge of breaking up, as vocalist David Lee Roth left to pursue a solo career and try his luck in Hollywood. After a couple asks that went nowhere, they settled on former Montrose vocalist Sammy Hagar as …

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The American Dream–The Idea and the Reality

Earlier today, I started reading The Tao of Writing by Ralph L Wahlstrom. I’m about a third of the way through it right now. Thus far, and I don’t expect this to change very much, the book is half philosophy, half how-to-write book. It argues that the way writing is traditionally taught in schools (Strict …

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Book Review: Write. by Karen E. Peterson

Write. by Karen Peterson is a book that, unlike the last book I read, focuses almost exclusively on the actual writing process. More precisely, it’s a book about overcoming writer’s block. To the extent it covers aspects like finding an agent and publishing, it does so only in the context of writer’s block, IE “Are …

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