If you don’t know the name “Jonas Neubauer”, I’m frankly a little unsure how you found this. But a brief primer: Jonas, or “NubbinsGoody” as his Twitch stream was known, was a pillar, maybe the pillar, of the Classic Tetris community, specifically NES Tetris and its Classic Tetris World Championship. Let’s start there. The Classic …
Category: Personal
Oct 10
How I Became a Certified AWS Cloud Practitioner
Roughly ten days ago, I passed my Amazon Web Services Certified Cloud Practitioner exam. This is the story of how I managed it. I first started “Studying” for this over a year ago, when it was made clear that my place of employment was looking to include AWS in its future plans. I took Amazon’s …
May 27
The American Dream–The Idea and the Reality
Earlier today, I started reading The Tao of Writing by Ralph L Wahlstrom. I’m about a third of the way through it right now. Thus far, and I don’t expect this to change very much, the book is half philosophy, half how-to-write book. It argues that the way writing is traditionally taught in schools (Strict …
Apr 29
The Least Work-Safe Thing I’ve Ever Written for this Site
Which is saying something, considering I reviewed Lesbian Spider-Queens of Mars as part of Games I Beat In 2014. So yeah, I’m going to put most of this behind a “Read More” link. This is a Content Warning for two things: Spoilers for the game Ladykiller in a Bind A cishet dude (That’s me) writing …
Aug 14
Boy I jump from project to project, don’t I? This was initially a post for The Divisive Albums Podcast. I’ve moved that here, so go check it out. Also, join The Empty Nest Discord!
Mar 28
A Time of Transition
I began writing this on March 27, 2018 at about 8 PM. My previous laptop sounded like a swarm of bees toward the end of its life. I tried fixing it, and the end result was a laptop that sounded like a swarm of bees and would sometimes blue screen and fail to boot up …
Feb 15
State of the Emptyeye- February 2018
It’s been about two months since my last personal update about trying to improve myself. How have I done since then? Here we go! Physical Fitness: After a bit of fluctuation, I’m down another three pounds, to 150 even as of the last time I weighed myself (Monday morning). I struggled with this a bit, …
Jan 16
General GDQ Musings
Some general musings on GDQs, inspired in part by a Reddit post I found particularly amusing. Sam Viviano, Art Director for Mad Magazine, once remarked that the magazine was at its best “whenever you first started reading it.” I thought about this when reading this thread, because I feel like something very similar applies to …
Jan 11
Book Review- Managing for People Who Hate Managing by Devora Zack
I have no aspirations to become a manager at either job I presently work at. I would, however, like to become a team leader, or the closest thing my primary job has to one. And so it was with this in mind that I tackled the fourth book I read from the Humble Win At …
Dec 11
State of the Emptyeye- December 2017
About a month and a half ago, I wrote that I wanted to change some stuff about my life. Six or so weeks later, how am I doing? Let’s find out! Physical Fitness– This is going pretty well. It’s actually been a bit longer than 2 months since I realized I needed to lose some …