Book Review: Write That Book Already! by Sam Barry and Kathi Kamen Goldmark

I recently purchased the Humble Write Like a Writer Book Bundle (Still on-sale for a couple more days as I write this). Since one of the things I’m trying to do is spend less idle time on the Internet (See this for a brief explanation), I figure writing up reviews of some of these books while I’m on the computer is as good a use of my time as any. I may go back and review some of the other self-improvement books I’ve read lately.

In any event, the first book I read in this bundle was Write That Book Already!: The Tough Love You Need To Get Published Now by Sam Barry and Kathi Kamen Goldmark, who are BookPage’s Author Enablers. The e-book edition of the book, which I read, was published in September of 2012, and the original book is copyright 2010 (Note the foreword from Maya Angelou, who passed away in 2014).

Write That Book Already! is an accurate title, but it doesn’t fully do the book justice. Yes, the book does tell you to, well, write that book already, and it makes the point that the only way to do that is to sit down and write the book (Or short story, or whatever). But it also takes you through the full publishing process–it distinguishes fiction from non-fiction in terms of how you pitch your book (Short version: Non-fiction tends to be more relaxed in terms of submitting concepts for books you haven’t actually written yet). It also discusses how to find an agent, how to find a publisher, and what the publishing process actually is. Throughout the book, the authors provide humorous examples, some fictitious just to show the process and what to do or not to do, some real. one example is handling a call from an agent who wants to represent your book. There are also peeks into the lives and jobs of some of those agents, publishers, etc. involved in the process of making the book. It even goes into how to help your publisher promote your book (Though while the authors acknowledge the rapidly changing internet landscape, there is nonetheless, an of-its-time reference or two–at least one reference to Myspace, for instance).

Of course, not everyone goes the “Get a publisher” route anymore, and the book details self-publishing as well, how to go about it, and the difference between self-publishing (Technically, setting up your own publishing company) and vanity publishing. It also notes when each may be appropriate (There’s nothing wrong with using a vanity press to print up a book about your family history and give it to family members, for instance).

The book’s first appendix is a useful source of further reading both in terms of books about writing, and of books to draw more general inspiration from. Authors like Stephen King, Amy Tan, and Dave Barry, among others, give some picks in each of these categories, including some I’ll likely check out once I run out of Humble Bundle books to read.

The advice is focused around writing a longer-form book, as opposed to a novella or short story, although there is one example of an author who had more success pitching their short story collection once they turned it into an actual *collection* with a common theme, as opposed to just “Whatever short stories they had laying around”.

That said, the advice of “Just freaking write already; nothing else happens until you do that!” is universal to all authors, or really any creative types like artists, musicians, game developers, etc. Ideas are great, but they’re also useless if you don’t get them onto paper/canvas/code/whatever. In short, I recommend this book. It’s a pretty quick read, around 200 pages plus appendices, and it sprinkles enough humor in throughout to be engaging.


The Least Work-Safe Thing I’ve Ever Written for this Site

Which is saying something, considering I reviewed Lesbian Spider-Queens of Mars as part of Games I Beat In 2014.

So yeah, I’m going to put most of this behind a “Read More” link. This is a Content Warning for two things:

  1. Spoilers for the game Ladykiller in a Bind
  2. A cishet dude (That’s me) writing about aspects of that game without having any clue what he’s actually talking about.

With that:

Continue reading

Episode 5: The Beatles’ White Album

Five episodes! FIVE episodes! FIVE….never mind. For episode five, we go big, looking at an album by some guys from Liverpool who I guess were kind of big in the 1960s? Big enough that they could follow up a landmark album with a 93-minute opus and no one would bat an eye. And despite the band beginning to fall apart, or maybe because of the band beginning to fall apart, they managed to write a bunch of songs in a bunch of differing styles. Come explore The Beatles’ 1968 self-titled album, AKA The White Album!

Check out these SHOW NOTES!

0:00: Intro and Theme Song
0:23: About me and the podcast.
0:48: Introducing our band: The Beatles!
0:53: A bit about my trepidation in doing this episode, and a little about The Beatles themselves.
1:42: On how The Beatles’ popularity endures.
2:47: Introducing this album’s episode, The White Album!
3:07: Some “double albums” wouldn’t be double albums today.
3:36: This DOES NOT apply to The White Album.
3:52: But is this album actually divisive? Yes. It is.
4:06: People generally agree 2/3rds of it are great…
4:17: …but no one agrees on WHICH 2/3rds that is!
4:26: Guess what? This album technically had ZERO singles in the UK/US!
5:06: So how did I decide what songs to discuss?
5:20: By picking the relatively lesser-known ones…
5:39: …Where I used The Beatles Rock Band to decide which tracks DIDN’T fit that description.
6:20: Presenting our first excerpt, from “Glass Onion”
6:49: Discussing a bit about the “Beatles Mythology” that had built up by 1968.
7:07: Another excerpt, and the “Paul Is Dead” rumor.
8:06: American Internet Jerk BUTCHERS the Greek Language in only THREE WORDS!!
8:40: On why the “Paul Is Dead” theory got so popular in 1969.
9:13: The chorus of “Glass Onion”, and its weird accent on “onION”.
9:38: An excerpt from and discussion of “Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da”
10:10: The Beatles are fallible! Another excerpt, where the song characters’ roles are reversed, among other things.
10:51: An excerpt from and discussion of “Wild Honey Pie”, a strange little mini-song.
11:20: Discussing this song in the context of turning The White Album from a double to a single album (Most people cut it).
11:43: Discussing “The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill” and playing an excerpt from it.
12:28: Another “Bungalow Bill” excerpt, and introducing Yoko Ono!
13:04: A bit more about Yoko, and…
13:13: Digressing into the movie This Is Spinal Tap!
13:30: Back to Ono and how she totally didn’t break up The Beatles.
13:45: Turns out people who spend every waking hour together for YEARS get sick of each other!
13:57: Skipping ahead to George Harrison’s “Piggies”, which seems like it’s about pigs…
14:25: But is actually about CAPITALISM!…
14:53: And how it turns people into symbolic CANNIBALS!!
15:15: On one of the factors in The Beatles’ breakup: Lennon and McCartney not giving Harrison his due for his songwriting prowess.
16:02: Though Harrison could be goofy too.
16:08: Introducing and discussing “Savoy Truffle”, where Harrison worries about Eric Clapton’s dental health (Yes, really).
16:48: Comparing The Beatles to System of a Down (Yes, really).
17:27: Discussion of and an excerpt from “Yer Blues”, by John Lennon.
17:57: On Lennon’s genuine unhappiness at the time shining through the absurdity of the lyrics.
18:20: On The Beatles as musical chameleons.
18:53: Discussing the fracturing of the Lennon-McCartney song-writing partnership.
19:26: Lennon’s annoyance at McCartney’s pop songs.
19:36: Like this one, “Martha My Dear”, which sounds straight out of 1940.
20:08: So does this one, “Honey Pie” (Not the Wild variety).
20:41: McCartney, meanwhile, was annoyed at Lennon’s Avant-Garde focus…
21:01: …Which culminated in this, “Revolution 9”.
21:27: Discussing what Lennon was going for, and the technical difficulties in doing so in 1968.
22:14: How Lennon took up all of Abbey Road studios to put “Revolution 9” together.
22:22: On how to treat “Revolution 9” (Listen to it with a good pair of headphones. Once. And only once.)
22:40: Because it’s the OTHER song most people cut when reducing The White Album to one album.
23:00: Discussing a few other forgettable songs, and Ringo Starr’s dissatisfaction around this time.
23:37: Paul McCartney actually played drums on some songs after Ringo peaced out for a bit.
24:15: Ringo eventually comes back and they finish making the album.
24:26: And a strong album it is!
24:53: But how’d it perform on the market? Pretty well.
25:07: Like “#1 in multiple countries” well.
25:35: Like “Going Diamond in the US twice” well.
25:56: Like “The fourth-biggest selling album ever in the US, INCLUDING compilations (Third-best excluding them)” well.
26:18: Final Thoughts
26:55: Outro and Social Media. Twitter, Website, Discord, Patreon, The Music For Two Podcast

Other Links:
A 2010 Michigan Today Article discussing how the “Paul Is Dead” rumor blew up.
A Rolling Stone Interview with John Lennon and Yoko Ono in 1971. Lennon discusses “Yer Blues” here: “[…]They always struck me as – what is the word? Funny? Ironic? – that I was writing them supposedly in the presence of guru and meditating so many hours a day, writing […] songs of such pain as “Yer Blues” which I meant. […]”
A Howard Stern Interview with Ringo Starr in October 2018. In the text summary, it mentions the “I thought it was you three!” story.

Episode 4: Yes’s Drama

For Episode Four, we travel back to 1980 and get to know five musicians who only worked all together one time. Three of them are what’s left of a prog-rock band after their singer and keyboardist left. The other two are a duo who write songs about the perils of technology using the finest recording equipment money can buy. Together, they fight crime. Or, well, they release an album together at any rate. Come explore Yes’s 1980 release, Drama!

Check out these SHOW NOTES!

0:00: Intro and Theme Song
0:21: About me and the podcast.
0:50: Introducing our band, with an upbeat heroic fanfare: Yes! …..Yes!
0:58: About the band, musically and personally.
1:30: On Yes’s status as a critical laughingstock.
1:49: HERE’S THE THING about Yes. They’re either REALLY GOOD….
2:11: ….or REALLY BAD.
3:33: Time warp to the late 70s, as Yes try to follow up Tormato, while punk rock has taken over the world…
3:55 …or so revisionist history would have you believe.
4:36: Either way, Yes’s attempt to write a new album goes catastrophically wrong.
4:47: Like “Their singer and keyboardist quit” wrong.
5:18: But manager Brian Lane comes to their rescue by uniting the remaining members with…
5:27: Trevor Horn and Geoff Downes, AKA The Buggles!
5:36: Yeah, the Buggles you’re thinking of.
6:08: The Buggles are oblivious at first, but eventually catch on…
6:42: …and join the band, despite Horn’s trepidation.
6:48: Introducing the album for this episode, Drama!
7:15: A discussion of the album’s cover.
7:12: Discussing and presenting an excerpt from the album’s opener, “Machine Messiah”.
8:17: Discussion on the song’s heaviness.
8:34: On Yes’s frequent lineup changes.
9:18: Discussing Chris Squire (Bass) and Jon Anderson (Former Vocalist), who until Drama had been the two constants in the band.
9:45: The real test: Trevor Horn’s first vocals, and discussion thereof.
10:29: On the assistance of backing vocalists in rock bands.
11:40: Discussing Yes’s backing vocalists in particular.
11:52: Slowing down “Machine Messiah” and discussing its lyrics.
12:51: Who wrote what on Drama? Who can really say? Not the credits!
13:07: Introducing and discussing “White Car”.
13:52: The differences between Trevor Horn and Jon Anderson.
14:55: An excerpt from and discussion of “Does It Really Happen?”
16:01: An excerpt from the 11/8 chorus of “Does It Really Happen?”
16:26: Talking about the song’s false ending, and its lead in to a bass solo.
17:16: Discussing the album’s length, and the track lengths.
18:09: Introducing “Into the Lens” and playing an excerpt from it.
19:13: Another excerpt, this one from later in the song, and discussing how this was the album’s main single.
19:55: A TRIVIA TANGENT into the history of music videos.
21:21: Go watch Yes’s video for “No Opportunity Necessary, No Experience Needed”. Seriously. Just go now.
21:30: On the Second British Invasion caused by early MTV because Britain beat the US to the punch on the whole “music video” thing.
22:33: Discussion of and an excerpt from “Run Through the Light”, a moodier track re-worked from an earlier song.
23:03: How the single version of “Run Through the Light” differs from the album version.
23:19: Briefly discussing the Drama remaster’s bonus tracks.
23:43: The album’s closer, “Tempus Fugit”, which plays to everyone’s strengths.
24:48: What do I think of Drama as a whole?
25:30: And what did other people think of it?
26:12: On the truly divisive tour, thanks to Yes not bothering to mention the latest lineup changes.
27:25: What happened after Drama?
27:37: Squire and White formed a new band…
28:04: …when that didn’t work, they formed ANOTHER new band…
28:19: …which became a reincarnation of Yes…
28:34: …which reached new heights with the 90125 album!
29:01: And now there are TWO Yeses!
29:14: The one that Chris Squire was in until he died in 2015…
29:38: …and “Yes Featuring ARW”, which has some of the members people consider essential to Yes.
29:54: How did two Yeses come to be?
30:36: Geoff Downes had a pretty nice career in Asia before returning to Yes in 2011…
31:04: …but it was nothing compared to Trevor Horn’s becoming a superproducer.
32:40: Outro and Social Media. Twitter, Website, Discord, Patreon

Other Links:
Trevor Horn’s 2011 Red Bull Music Academy Interview, with a transcript. It goes over his whole career, and is long, but worth listening to.
An Interview with Trevor Rabin. It mainly discusses his new-at-the-time solo album, but he does discuss his misgivings about being in the reincarnated Yes in the early 80s.
A cover of “White Car” I did as part of a college course.

The Divisive Albums Podcast Episode 3: Fleetwood Mac’s Tusk

The third episode of The Divisive Albums Podcast, where I discuss the follow-up to one of the most successful albums in history: Fleetwood Mac’s 1979 double album, Tusk!

The episode comes with the following SHOW NOTES!

0:00: Intro and Theme Song
0:25: About me, and announcing I’ll be begging for money in about 20 minutes.
0:50: Introducing our band: Fleetwood Mac!
1:35: Fleetwood Mac’s lineup circa 1975 and their first wave of U.S. success in 1975-1976.
3:06: Then Fleetwood Mac blow everything up personally…
3:45: …while riding to unprecedented success with the album Rumours.
4:18: Some of the albums that sold comparatively to Rumours
4:47: Even more on how big Rumours was in 1977-1978
5:02: But how do you follow up a megahit?
5:32: With enough songs for TWO ALBUMS!!
5:38: You may be getting deja vu right about now.
6:00: Finally introducing the album: 1979’s Tusk!
6:17: Discussing how the album opens with Christine McVie’s “Over and Over”, which breaks with the formula from previous albums.
6:52: An excerpt from “Over and Over” and discussion on it.
7:40: An excerpt from and discussion of “The Ledge”, Lindsey Buckingham’s first contribution.
8:17: On what post-punk is, and more “The Ledge” discussion.
8:59: Another excerpt from “The Ledge”, highlighting some of the experimentation Fleetwood Mac did in the studio.
9:24: An excerpt from and discussion of “Save Me A Place”.
10:08: Discussion of “Sara”, the first Stevie Nicks song on the album.
10:33: On the album’s (Relatively short, for a double album anyway) length.
11:18: An excerpt from “Sara”.
11:45: On Stevie Nicks’s songs on this album, and how “typical” they are.
12:05: An excerpt from and discussion of “Sisters of the Moon”.
12:57: Discussing Christine McVie’s songs, including “Brown Eyes”.
13:15: An excerpt from “Brown Eyes”.
13:37: On whose album Tusk actually is, and the irony of its reputation versus what’s actually on it.
14:26: Introducing “That’s Enough For Me”, where Lindsey Buckingham goes to a country bar.
15:17: More on the ethos behind the album as a whole.
16:01: An excerpt from and brief discussion of “What Makes You Think You’re The One”.
16:38: Discussion of and an excerpt from “That’s All For Everyone”, where the band employ harmony in a new (For them) way.
17:25: Discussion of and an excerpt from “I Know I’m Not Wrong”, with its uncanny valley synth sound.
18:27: The album’s main event! Its title track, “Tusk”.
18:55: How about a drum solo with your title track?
19:33: AN UNPRECEDENTED DIVISIVE ALBUMS PODCAST EVENT! A THIRD excerpt from “Tusk”, this time featuring the USC Marching Band!
20:06: I love this song!
20:18: The song was a hit single!
20:45: The album’s closer, “Never Forget”, and discussion of it.
21:30: How well did Tusk sell? Featuring a digression into Atari 2600 sales figures.
22:29: Finally discussing the actual sales of Tusk.
23:09: Lindsey Buckingham’s defense of his musical baby.
24:43: A brief summary of what happened to Fleetwood Mac post-Tusk (They kept right on making hits, and are still around through some ups and downs!).
25:40: What do I think of Tusk as an album?
26:34: Outro, Social Media, and a brief explanation of Patreon. Twitter, Website, Discord, Patreon

Other Links:
An interview with Lindsey Buckingham from USC in 2015. Long, but fascinating, featuring several performances and covering Buckingham’s entire career. If you’re only interested in the Tusk-centric portion, they begin discussing it at about 41:30.

Embedded Podcast Listen:

The Divisive Albums Podcast Episode 2: Stabbing Westward’s Self-Titled Album

The second episode of The Divisive Albums Podcast, where I discuss an album by a band a lot of people forgot about: Stabbing Westward, and their 2001 self-titled album!

In the episode, I discuss the following. SHOW NOTES!

0:00: Intro and Theme Song
0:22: About me, and introducing our band: Stabbing Westward!
0:51: Announcing we’re trying something new this episode. Kind of.
1:18: Stabbing Westward’s beginning, and a clip from “Ungod”, the title track from their first album.
1:49: On the similarity between “Ungod” and Filter’s “Hey Man Nice Shot”.
2:39: Stabbing Westward’s breakthrough: “What Do I Have To Do?” from 1996’s Wither, Blister Burn & Peel.
3:30: Shoutouts to my Connecticon Karaoke friends, and DJ Stephanie Stardust!
3:57: Discussion of the band’s 1998’s Darkest Days album, and its biggest hit, “Save Yourself”
4:54: A brief digression that I use The RIAA Website
5:11: Disaster strikes Stabbing Westward, and they downgrade to an independent record label.
5:30: Noting this is my first “personal” Divisive Albums Podcast, since I actually remember the album coming out.
6:05: Finally introducing the album: Stabbing Westward’s self-titled fourth album!
6:22: An excerpt from and discussion of the song “So Far Away”, the album’s lead (And only) single.
7:06: An excerpt from and discussion of the song “Perfect”, which is…rather acoustic.
7:49: Comparing this album to another, more famous self-titled album: Metallica’s 1991 “Black Album”.
8:10: Delving into “Perfect”‘s lyrical similarities to “Desperate Now”, a Darkest Days track
8:38: The utter tease that is the start of “I Remember”.
9:19: Another excerpt from “I Remember”, and discussing how I actually remember this song from my only listen of this album many years ago.
10:07: Discussion of and an excerpt from “Wasted”, a song that’s a bit more traditionally Stabbing Westward.
10:53: Discussion of Stabbing Westward’s lyrical variety…or lack thereof.
11:44: An excerpt from and discussion of the album’s last track, “Television”, which I like.
12:44: An excerpt from “High”, another more “traditional” Stabbing Westward track.
13:16: Discussing “High”‘s lyrics and how they subtly differ from most of the band’s catalog.
13:44: On Stabbing Westward’s inability to come up with original song titles for this album.
14:22: An excerpt from the song “Happy”.
14:53: My thoughts on the song “Happy”.
15:19: What I think of the album as a whole (Well, it’s half good…).
15:55: And how the album did in the marketplace (It tanked basically everywhere).
16:07: On Stabbing Westward’s brief tour for the album, and eventual breakup.
16:36: But hey, the album did okay in Australia!
16:57: Discussion how one person at Koch Records wanted this to be Stabbing Westward’s Black Album, and what happened when that didn’t happen.
17:54: A digression into what SoundScan is, inspired by the bajillions of copies Metallica’s Black Album has sold.
18:48: Discussion of what Christopher Hall did post-Stabbing Westward.
18:56: Noting Stabbing Westward reunited and are back on tour!
19:08: Final thoughts on the album.
19:31: Outro and social media: Twitter, Website, Discord

Other links:
A 2008 interview with singer Christopher Hall
Another interview with Hall from October 2018
Stabbing Westward’s performance on The Jon Stewart Show from September 1994

The Divisive Albums Podcast Episode 1: Dream Theater’s Falling Into Infinity

The first “proper” episode of The Divisive Albums Podcast, where I discuss an album by a band who are inherently pretty divisive: Dream Theater, and their 1997 album Falling Into Infinity!

In the episode, I discuss the following. SHOW NOTES!

0:00: Intro and About Me
0:26: Introducing our band: Dream Theater!
0:30: Who are Dream Theater, and what do they sound like?
1:31: Who are some bands you’d very broadly compare to Dream Theater?
1:54: How did Dream Theater first come into the public eye?
2:38: A digression on the technical definition of a “hit song” in the US.
3:27: On why I digressed, and how Dream Theater’s newfound fame affected them.
4:14: Discussion of the immediate followup, 1994’s Awake, and how the label rushed Dream Theater to release it.
4:35: Briefly discussing 1995’s “EP”, A Change of Seasons
4:50: Introducing the album: Falling Into Infinity! Also discussing the immediate circumstances around the album’s creation.
5:20: “New Millennium” excerpt #1.
6:08: “New Millennium” excerpt #2 and a lesson on time signatures.
7:04: Discussing the length of the album and its songs.
8:20: More song/album length discussion, and how the length compares to typical Dream Theater output (And answering why “EP” from earlier in the notes is in quotes).
8:55: Introducing the record company’s “ringer” to help Dream Theater get a hit: 80s and 90s hitmaker Desmond Child!
9:25: Excerpt from “You Not Me”, a song Child has co-writing credit on.
9:47: “You Not Me” excerpt #2, and discussing drummer Mike Portnoy’s pathological need to demonstrate his drumming prowess whenever he can.
10:50: My opinion of the song, and wondering why this wasn’t the lead single from the album.
11:36: Discussion of “Burning My Soul”, comparing it to “Pull Me Under”, and an excerpt from it.
12:40: Introducing an excerpt from the actual lead single: “Hollow Years”.
13:10: Thoughts on “Hollow Years”
14:02: An excerpt from and discussion of “Lines in the Sand”, one of the more prog songs on the album.
14:33: How Dream Theater could have made “Lines in the Sand” work as a single.
15:02: Discussing some of the record company shenanigans pulled with Falling Into Infinity.
15:35: Introducing and playing an excerpt from “Just Let Me Breathe”, or “Dream Theater Throw A Temper Tantrum At Their Record Label”
16:05: Elaborating a bit on what I mean by “Dream Theater Throw A Temper Tantrum At Their Record Label”.
16:35: How the album did sales-wise.
17:04: And what I think of the contemporary opinion of the album.
17:40: Acknowledging that Dream Theater probably shouldn’t have gone in the direction they did, even if I like most of the result.
18:11: What happened next for Dream Theater?
18:41: How I first discovered Dream Theater.
19:18: How Dream Theater are doing now.
19:51: Final thoughts on Falling Into Infinity.
20:15: Outro and social media: Twitter, Website, Discord

The Divisive Albums Podcast Episode -1: Def Leppard’s Slang

The “pre-pilot” episode of the Divisive Albums Podcast, which I did mainly to test out a few things. The first was whether the concept would hold my interest long enough to warrant my wanting to do future episodes. The second was whether I was good enough and entertaining enough that people would actually want to listen.

In the episode, I discuss the following. SHOW NOTES!

0:00: Intro and what the podcast is about
0:41: About me and my musical tastes, which will influence what’s selected for future episodes
1:17: Introducing our band: Def Leppard!
1:22: Who are Def Leppard, and how big are/were they? (Answer: Absolutely HUGE in the 80s)
2:55: What were the circumstances around Def Leppard’s divisive album? (Answer: Def Leppard were really REALLY uncool by the mid-90s. They were also sick of “being Def Leppard” recording-wise)
4:25: We finally name the album: 1996’s Slang!
4:55: A brief discussion of Def Leppard’s pre-megafame albums, and what I expected out of this album.
5:25: “Truth?” excerpt and thoughts
6:03: “Slang” introduction, excerpt, and thoughts
7:01: Discussing the lyrics on the album as a whole, which are “darker” than typical Def Leppard
7:20: Excerpts from “Gift of Flesh” and “Pearl of Euphoria”, showing some more of the 90s industrial influence
8:20: Discussing the sound of the album as a whole and how Def Leppard put what they’re influenced by in their songs.
8:59: Excerpts from the “Life Is a Highway”-esque “Work It Out” and the 90s R&B imitation “Breathe a Sigh”
9:55: Discussion about how the album sounds like Def Leppard playing at being Everything But Def Leppard for an album
10:20: The album’s chart performance (It was not good relative to previous Def Leppard albums in the US, though it did better overseas)
10:40: So how IS this album (Answer: Actually pretty good, though also different enough from their established sound that it likely would’ve derailed them even if grunge/alternative rock hadn’t rendered them persona non grata in the mid-90s)
11:08: Where to buy the album, and discussion on bonus tracks in the Deluxe Edition of the album
11:54: Outro and social media: Twitter, Website, Discord


Boy I jump from project to project, don’t I?

This was initially a post for The Divisive Albums Podcast. I’ve moved that here, so go check it out.

Also, join The Empty Nest Discord!


About a month ago, I bought a Wacom tablet to use with the Humble Bob Ross Bundle from mid-March. I’ve been enjoying it, and have been trying to use it to, well, draw stuff each day. This will be a repository for that art. You can click on any of the links below to see the picture itself.

18-001: Shoutout to Twitch Chat
18-002: A Walk at Night
18-003: Bowling Time! (You may not want to view this one at work, though it’s not pornographic by any means)
18-004: A Clash of Seasons
18-005: Island on the Rocks
18-006: Magic Lesson
18-007: Petrified Forest
18-008: Water Water Everywhere