Emptyeye.com Week 37- I Should Really Decide Something

This past week here on the site, not much happened, though if you pay close attention you’ll note I updated the about pages to make them more current (The About the Site page had a reference to the long-gone donation button). And other than that, I’ve really been pretty lazy.

Neil Peart once wrote “If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice”, and I suppose that’s what I’m doing at the moment with The Six Day Exile–rather than decide to forge ahead without my Echo Indigo, or see if I can fix the problem (Outlined here), I’m just sort of letting it sit in limbo and playing lots of StarCraft, which I continue to be terrible at. I’ll have to eventually find a style and stick to it; I actually found a neat little map that trains your multi-tasking abilities, which I’ll have to practice a bit until I can improve those skills.

Until next week…


1 comment

    • James on July 7, 2008 at 11:24 am

    “The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men / Gang aft a-gley” better known as The best laid plans often go awry. My take is that once it becomes “not fun” it’s time to step back for a while–you’ll probably dive into it soon enough. As for being terrible at Starcraft, I can’t help you there–

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